Well it’s all a bit confusing but here are some resources that might help
And a simplified version
But if you have been in an affected area since 8AM on 20 March, then you are to follow the main restrictions
These restrictions still allow movement for certain purposes, including working at an “essential business” if that work cannot be done from home. An “essential business” is any business that is not a “non-essential business” (hmmmm) so there is no list of essential businesses but non essential businesses have been identified, again from the previous link (and current as at 7.50AM on 30.03.21, please check the FAQ’s on the linked page for current information)
“What businesses are closed?
The following businesses and activities in the impacted areas must close during the lockdown period unless an exception applies:
- Retail food services including pubs, restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets except for takeaway and home delivery services
- Entertainment facilities such as theatres, cinemas, music halls and concert halls
- Major sports stadiums convention centres and showgrounds
- Indoor and outdoor events such as marathons, cultural festivals, fetes, expos
- Theme parks, outdoor amusement parks, tourism experiences and arcades
- Zoos, aquariums and wildlife centres, except to provide maintenance and care for animals
- Hairdressers
- Amusement centres such as places to play billiards, pool, pinball machines or video games
- Gyms, health clubs, fitness centres, yoga, barre, spin facilities and dance studios
- Indoor sporting centres and venues
- Public playgrounds, skateparks, BMX tracks and outside gyms including static exercise equipment in Council parks
- Public barbeques such as barbeques in public spaces or shared facilities
- Places of public worship, except for weddings and funerals in line with the person limits. Religious ceremonies may be livestreamed.
- Spas, nail salons, hairdressers, beauty salons, waxing salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlours, non-therapeutic massage and water-based spa services
- Massage parlours unless providing massage therapy for the management or prevention of disease, injury or condition by a registered health practitioner or qualified massage therapist
- Auction houses
- Betting agencies and gaming lounges
- Casinos, gaming or gambling venues, including wagering outlets that are accessible by members of the public
- Markets, except for food and farmers markets
- Galleries, museums and libraries
- Community facilities, such as community halls excluding the provision of hosting essential voluntary or public services such as foodbanks and homeless services
- Sex on premises services, sex services premises and strip clubs
- Public swimming pools (including hotel and apartment complex pools)
- Nightclubs”
Our office will remain open. If you need to see us please make an appointment.