• Level 5, Evandale Place, 142 Bundall Road, Bundall, QLD, Australia


Pay secrecy clauses out the door

Pay secrecy clauses in employment contracts (ie clauses that forbid an employee from sharing information about their pay or terms, or asking any other employee about their pay or terms) are unlawful in any new written employment agreement as and from 7 June 2023.  If the employment contract was made between 7 December 2022 and […]

Lessors rejoice – June 23 CPI figures available

In good news to landlords with CPI review mechanisms in their leases, the June CPI figures have been published here https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/consumer-price-index-australia/latest-release For Brisbane the annual change is approximately 6.3%, although the index figures should be used under most CPI formulae.

New Property Law Act for Queensland?

In February 2023 the Property Law Bill 2023 was introduced to Parliament. It is intended that the bill – when it becomes an Act – will replace the Property Law Act of 1974. For a sneak preview, see https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/bill.first/bill-2019-078 While much of the new act will simply restate the existing provisions of the Property Law […]

Yet another home made will disaster

In yet another home made Will disaster, the Supreme Court on 27 June ordered that probate be granted of an informal Will.  As tends to be typical of these sorts of matters, the Will maker used a Will kit, and completed it himself.  In this case, while the Will maker had filled out the Will […]