• Level 5, Evandale Place, 142 Bundall Road, Bundall, QLD, Australia


Bundall Lawyers

From our offices at the corner of Bundall Road and Karp Court, Bundall, we have been watching the development of the Gold Coast City cultural precinct with interest. The HOTA building in particular has generated very strong opinion, count me a bit of a fan. Bundall is a good location for a law firm, nice […]

Risk with Testamentary trust directions

One of the benefits of the use of a testamentary discretionary trust in making a Will is that – by giving the gift to a trust for the benefit of a particular class of people – if one of them is bankrupted then the gift will potentially be protected from claims by the trustee in […]

More on Wage Theft…

Hot on the heels of the criminalisation of wage theft in Queensland which we mentioned a few months ago, the Federal Government has (in December 2020) introduced a bill to amend the Fair Work Act so as to criminalise wage theft at a Commonwealth level. At the time of posting (17 December) the bill has […]

Is your will valid?

Plenty of people try to save some money by making their own will, sometimes through the use of a will kit from a newsagent. I suppose that I am of two minds about this. On the one hand, we lose the fee (usually under $1,000) that we would have made had we been instructed to […]